About: GSG wants to shout out the San Diego’s finest heroes: the Covid-19 Front-liners.
We want you to shout out and honor the front-liners that are close to you and those that have been working so hard to keep us all safe.
Where can we see our heroes?
· We plan to acknowledge these heroes by mentioning 3-5 font-liners on our digital platforms (GSG story page, daily) and mentioned on 91 X/Danielle’s Morning Show, each day.
Here’s who and what we are looking for:
- Any healthcare workers, grocery store workers, cannabis industry workers, Pharmacist, city transportation employees, or any essential workers.
- All candidates must be local (San Diego)
- All nominated font-liners will be recognized on the GSG instagram story page
To Nominate:
Please submit the following information below….
- First and Last Name of essential worker
- Instagram Handle
- Profession
- Photo
- A brief explanation of why you are nominating them
Email: Delivery@goldenstaregreens.com
Phone: +1-844-420-BEST
Is that it? NO!
Furthermore, each candidate will be entered into a drawing and on 4/30 we will randomly pick three Front-liners to win 20% off (of their purchases) for an entire year!
That’s it!
So, let’s celebrate and give our love and support to our local heroes!
We are all in this together!